Pics of the kids

Ok so these are my cousins. From front to back Anderso, Christin, and Emilia. I want Kloz to know I taught them the Apache Jump On It dance.
This is Jarol who is my little shadow. Consuelo said whenever I leave the house he whines that he can't come with me. We hang out all the time.
I eat lunch everyday with Jarol and Anderso. Check out Jarol's KoolAid Stache. They remind me so much of my cousin Nick and I. They are the same age and a blast to hang out with. I give them "Vueltas"
I have a challenge for all of you. First of all thank you so much for the comments and it is one of the most exciting parts of my day usually. My challenge is for you all to see the movie “El Norte.” It is a movie in Spanish with English subtitles. The movie depicts the life of two Guatemalans that dream of life in the U.S. and stop at nothing to get there. I hope that you can not look at the movie thinking about Inmigration opinions but rather just to see what life is like here in Guatemala and how people dream about having the things that so many Americans take for granted. A toilet that flushes, your own car, a lawn, or whatever else it may be…
I won my basketball game yesterday. Many more of my fellow trainees came to watch so that was fun for me. I must say that I did feel a little bit bad though… This short Guatemalan dude drove the lane for a layup and I absolutely swatted his shot into next week. We are talking an Amy Anderson Volleyball spike on him, the crowd kid of went “OOOHHHHHH” but my Peace Corps crew was screaming “YYYYEAAAHHHH.”
It is so funny how everything is shrunken down here. I went into the restroom of a bathroom the other day and started to laugh – the toilets are almost like they were in grade school with them being so low to the ground. Also then when you go to wash your hands the sinks are way lower like at the height of you knees. My friend Jacob and I were discussing that how when you watch a basketball game here One guy might stand out as being super tall… but when I stand next to him we are the same height. For the first time in my life I am taller than average. YESSSS EAT THAT AMY.
Take care,
This is Jarol and Roy. Roy is my other brother here in Guatemala and has a birthday next week. Should be a fun one.
well you grabbed my heart right out of minn to your home there. kids sure can open alot of doors in any language..your smile also warmed us both. you look sooooo happy. love you so mucho,
th cold springers
Those kids are adorable!
It looks like you are having an incredible adventure so far and it's only just begun! Be safe, have fun, and take in everything you can. What a great experience!!
Take care, Jenny
Ok, no way I believe you are taller than any adult in Guatamala! Just Kidding! Nice pictures kids look great! Have Fun!
THOSE KIDS ARE ADORABLE!! Seeing your face makes me miss you so much...but seeing that huge grin makes me feel so happy inside. I think of you all the time and say a prayer everytime I touch my necklace. Hope to talk to you soon. Love you!
Amy Star
PS you may be tall there, but FYI, I haven't gotten any shorter here.
Hey Drew!
It sounds like you are having tons of fun in Guatemala. I hope you are enjoying your time, and meeting many new and exciting people! Good luck! Miss you!
Great pics Drew! Thanks for sharing them. I think I am going to save your story about Bill for future days when things are getting too monotonous around here. I imagine it will bring me a chuckle now and then. I have been sharing your stories with the office. Keep them coming. I have tried to find the movie, but of course it isn't available in Huron. I will go online and check it out. Take care. Jodi
love you buddy, it sounds like you are having a great time and i am very pround of you. those kids are so cute i want to squeeze their little cheeks. good luck with the mud butt i feel for ya. - Love you Cousin Nick
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