The week that should have been!!!

Sunday was a huge day for me because it was the championship game of my basketball league. It was a really big deal as the entire town showed up to watch the game along with a bunch of my friends. There was a DJ playing Reggaeton music so loud I couldn’t think the entire game. I started off playing really well and hit a couple of 3’s to help my team to a four point lead at halftime. The second half got really rough and a couple of fights broke out. I JUMPED UP TO BLOCK A SHOT WHEN I GOT UNDERCUT AND LANDED ON MY WRIST. I didn’t think too much of this and kept playing the game. With one second left on the clock a guy on the other team got fouled. We were up by one point and he had a chance to win the game. The refs decided to call the game and just let this guy shoot the free throws to determine the game. As this poor guy approached the free throw line the entire crowd and teams stood on the three point line to heckle him. He was so nervous on the first one he air balled the entire backboard to the right. The second one he missed the shot short and the place erupted. My teammates went nuts and my coach lit off cheap fire works to celebrate. Afterwards there was a trophy presentation and the team decided to present me with the trophy. It was a tremendous honor and I will truly miss playing with them.
After the trophy presentation my arm really started to hurt so my friend Rochelle helped me carry my stuff home. She decided that I should call the medical officer because she was worried about my arm. Our medical officer decided that I needed to come in to the capital to have it checked out. I really found out how good of friends I had when Rochelle said she would come with me and help me out. My buddy Seth on my basketball team drove all the way from Antigua to pick me up and take me to the hospital. Unfortunately, I found out that I had fractured my arm and I would indeed need a cast. CRAP!!! I have to wear it for three weeks and I have to tell you that I am kind of bummed out. No salsa dancing, sports, or playing with my kids for 3 weeks plus 2 months of rehabilitation. It could be worse I guess. I will just keep my head up and realize that people have it worse than I do. Keep smiling right???
Take care,
I am so sorry to hear about your arm, I'm afraid it will be Hot Hot Hot with a cast - but 3 weeks will go fast with all that your up to. Good friends are good to you because you are good to them. Sounds like you have adapted well as I was sure you would. Your new family must be so happy to have you. The children are lucky to spend time with you. Love reading your stories - never a quiet time for you Drew. love ya and miss ya, Aunt Barb
hey bear-i hope it's not the same aberdeen your family really missed you and are glad your back again for awhile..hard to explain to little people how you come and go..your trophy will be soooo special forever..the kites are awesome.makes easter at schneider lake kinds weak..great to see your happy face on pics..keep your chin papa and grandma
You tell the guy who broke your arm in them game that paybacks are coming his way! Nah Just kidding! Hope the arm gets better soon and hope all is well!
Hi Drew! I just can't get used to seeing you with the "stache". The pic's are awesome - so fun to see you sweetie. Sorry about your arm - hopefully you won't be on the injured list for long. We wish we could have been sitting on the bleachers watching the big game!Your kids sound sooooo sweet. I'm sure they are taking good care of you! Our hopes and prayers are for a family in your new town that's as special as this one. Thinking of you often Drew! Love Sue and Roger
love reading about all your adventures
will miss your lovely voice this year
singing Xmas carols hope your arm does
not take long to heal you seem to enjoy the sports down there
miss your smiling face
the whistler
DREW BEAR!! Take those vitamins I made you take along so your bones will be strong and you can stop breakin' them!! K, well, miss you tons and love your stories.
Amy Star
Hey Drew,
I hope your arm is healing and you're back at full strength!
Peter mentioned that you emailed him...he's not giving me anything! Charlie shared the kite photos with his spanish class, they just studied that celebration! Jake's home til Sun, happy me!
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you can find a turkey taco in Guate!
Love you, Margi
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