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As I am here sitting in my small house in 90 degree heat with no AC eating plantains for dinner watching a gecko crawl on my wall I can only think about how amazing my trip to the states was. I truly had a wonderful time and did basically everything I had dreamt about doing in the last year while living in Guatemala. All I wanted to was to spend as much time with family and friends while eating good food and drinking a few beers along the way. Thanks to so many people for making my trip truly memorable.

My sister gave me the best advice before I left ¨Take this experience day by day and most importantly ENJOY IT cause you’re volunteering to do it.¨ Thanks AMY
I just confirmed with the director of the VALHALLA MACADAMIA project in Antigua how to wire the money. It appears as though the project that was a dream for many people here in my site is going to become a reality from all of your help back home. I let the director know how many trees we were planning to buy and all he could say is WOW. He thought it was so awesome what we were doing and here are the numbers.
With all of your generous gifts of money we have about $2300. With that money we had to use $300 in order to visit the farm in Antigua where I went with a leader from each community along with our Municipalities forestry division and Gabriel. We did a full day training on how to plant, maintain, and produce the macadamia nuts. Here are some pictures of the event.

My sister gave me the best advice before I left ¨Take this experience day by day and most importantly ENJOY IT cause you’re volunteering to do it.¨ Thanks AMY
I just confirmed with the director of the VALHALLA MACADAMIA project in Antigua how to wire the money. It appears as though the project that was a dream for many people here in my site is going to become a reality from all of your help back home. I let the director know how many trees we were planning to buy and all he could say is WOW. He thought it was so awesome what we were doing and here are the numbers.
With all of your generous gifts of money we have about $2300. With that money we had to use $300 in order to visit the farm in Antigua where I went with a leader from each community along with our Municipalities forestry division and Gabriel. We did a full day training on how to plant, maintain, and produce the macadamia nuts. Here are some pictures of the event.
After that it leaves us with about $2000 which we will use all of it to buy more than 7000 trees for 540 families in 6 different villages and also pay to have the trees transported all the way here.
I can’t even explain to you all in words how excited the people of my site are to receive this project. Thank you all back home so very much for believing in the project and being generous enough to give money.
If there are still people that would like to give money and have not yet been able to do so we can accept the gift of money until August 19th.
Thanks again GOD BLESS and take care,
Hey Drew,
Welcome Back to your humble abode. It was wonderful to see you (and have a big 'ol American breakfast together) Our family was enamored with your stories and experiences, the opportunities are certainly out there if we allow ourselves to go (and grow).
We're so proud of you, Drew. You are doing great work!
Happy Planting.
Stay healthy, we love you!
The Manning's
hi from the rock...don't be sad..nothing doing.thanks so much for putting the new blog on. we all wait for your exciting news in the u.s. love the pics-we feel honored. keep the planting news coming and more pics of the new owners of trees.
love you tons.papa and grams
It is just wonderful to read of the success of your Macadamia Project. Who would have guessed so many families could be impacted. I can hardly wait to hear how the planting goes. Jody and Ed and Chuck and I all enjoyed getting to spend time with you while you were home. It just goes by so fast though - and so many people waiting to spend time with you. Take care back in Guatemala, and as Amy said - enjoy your time -you are doing such good things for the people at your site. They will remember your smiling face forever. Aunt Barb
hola hermano.
En la foto esta muy flaquito, tienes que comer un poco màs.
Me gustò mucho visitar tu paìs y conocer a tu familia, samara tambièn disfrutò mucho.
ojalà podamos un dìa estar todos juntos.
te queremos mucho
Arturo, Samara y Yo
cuidate hermano
I used to know Larry G. from Valhalla back in '91. Good luck with the Macademia trees. Everything you do in the PC is a step towards helping Chapines help themselves. I now teach Spanish in Iowa, but used to walk the trails around Carcha and Chamelco. Mike Meshak RPCV
It was so nice to see you this summer. I was surprised to read that you are not accepting money anymore for the tree project. Good luck with that undertaking!
November 2008 will be here before you know it and you'll wish it didn't have to come to an end. You're going to go far in life Drew whether you realize it now or not. And I'm going to be in my rocking chair saying "I knew Drew when he was just a kid in college working as our summer intern"
Take care.
Love you always,
Rob :-)
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