I am 6

So to go through the pictures for you. That is our ambulance which I had to take a pose with with. The next one is with me and all of the neighborhood kids. I shared with them some Barbie Dogs which are now called Barbitos. So Dad next time you make Barbie dogs please call them Barbitos and think of me. The bottom two are from a dance party we had at my house. I love the last one of my counter part trying to be Michael Jackson.
So the other day my office had a huge laugh at my expense. TO say that you are doing ¨just ok¨ you can say ¨dos que tres¨ which means like two or three and I´m not doing good or bad. The only problem is that I said ¨Dos por tres¨ which means I said ¨I´m 2 times 3.¨ so now the big joke in the office is to say ¨Estoy seis¨ I´m six.
I am really starting to meet a lot of great people. The neighborhood kids are nice kids so I spend a lot of time playing soccer in the street with them. I taught them all the ¨Scooter Handshake¨ so that was my way to build up a lot of confianza with them.
Being in the Peace Corps is such an emotional roller coaster. I seriously have days where I am like – I need to get the hell out of here. I miss my family, friends, home, dog, car, carpet, clean cities, not running into street dogs, not having to travel everywhere by bus, and most of all speaking English so I don’t always sound like an idiot. However, I am very glad to be here at the present time seeing the world, helping people, and greatly improving my español. It is just truly amazing the ups and downs that you go through that simple can’t ever be compared to in the states. I truly believe that when I get home life will be so much more relaxed for me. I have come to the realization that problems I used to have as an American are so petty when compared to the challenges people around the world face on a regular basis. My site is very developed and I am thankful for that, however, every time I go out into the ¨aldeas¨ villages it is a completely different world and brings me back to reality. Sometimes it breaks my heart to see children and people so poor and malnourished. I guess the purpose of today’s blog is to try and put the luxury of being a gringo into perspective. Next time you run into a problem in the states stop for a minute and think to yourself ¨Is this really that big of a deal.¨ You might be surprised how often I realize that it just isn’t.
Take care and I love and miss you all,
So true Drew, great post.
Mikey A
That was a great Tunr the light switch on and off post! I am very proud of you and what you are accomplishing on behalf of your country. Nothing more important in today's world then showing less fortunate countries that the United States is a country that has compassion for all people. You are the man I can't wait until your tour is over and you come back you will have a job with me if I get elected!
Joshua Haeder
I just caught up on your last two blogs and I am so happy to hear you are continuing to do so well. You have such a wonderful sense of humor. I LOL again this morning when I re-read the real/sureal blog about the cable, the nun, and the dogs.
Whether you realize it or not you are a blessing to those around you. I know because you were a blessing to our office the two summers you worked with us.
We all think of you often and fondly and wish you a belated Happy New Year!
Rob :-)
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You're the best, Drew. Perspective and spreading smiles to others creates a very rich life. Rock on! Love ya, Liz
Hey Drewski!
This is Moeski! Your Dad gave me your blog and email information after church Sunday at Ila's. I have to tell you, what an amazing experience you are having, and I am laughing my tail off as I read them! We are very proud of you! And think, we went on an exiting drive to Virgil SD today!!! Don't ask why. God Bless and Go Jacks!!!
Kevin, Amber, and Landon!!
You're so right...sounds so easy and simple but so often we forget how valuable and enjoyable life is. Reading these make me so proud to not only know you but to be your sister. Keep up the outstanding work bro. Can't wait to see you!! T minus 45 days!
Love love love,
Amy Star
I am proud of everything you do also my little dance partner. What I really want to know is when you play soccer with the kids, does anyone let you score a goal? If they do,, Do you run down the street yelling GOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!
God Bless You and Touche
Just caught up with your blog today and just so enjoy hearing about your life in the Peace Corp. You always seem to have a good time and find the best in everything you do Drew. Keep that attitude, it will always work for you. Thanks for the reminder to count our blessings. We need that every once in a while. Think of you everyday and miss you lots. Take care and love, Aunt Barb
Hi Sweetie! I feel like you are speaking to me when I read this. I have had an upper respiratory virus for 3 weeks now and it sucks (cough,cough) - but you put it in perspective. I have a wonderful warm house, doctors to keep going back to and family who are loving me and putting up with me through this. You just keep making a difference in all of those lives and keep reminding us how lucky we are here! Love the pictures - post more! It's so fun to see you in your life there. Think of you often. Love and Hugs! Aunt Sue
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