Monday, February 26, 2007

GIS Hike

On my day off last week from GIS training we got to go on a quick hike. You are looking at a Laguna on the top of a Volcano and the rest are a series of me seeing a volcano erupt in the background. How beautiful is this country. DON¨T FORGET TO READ THE BLOG BELOW and POST IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE SCHOLARSHIP FUND.
Thanks and take care,


At 6:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep the good work Drewski! Miss ya.... my little King of Hearts!
Katie :)

At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would love to help you and the kids by contributing to an educational fund. After your post just wanted to do something for those that don't get to go to school. Kudos to you Drew for coming up with a way for us help. Your family will be there soon, enjoy!!! Can't wait to hear all about the trip.
Love ya, Aunt Barb

At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Count us in too Drew! What an awesome idea. I don't think we can fully understand how great the need is without being there. We're all very excited to hear the full report on your life there when your family returns. Looking forward to seeing your smiling face in photos! (I'm thinking a ceremonial shaving of the stache by your mom might be in order) Have a great time Drew - I told your mom to give you a BIG Godmother hug! We think of you so often. Love Sue and Roger

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Drew! Sounds like Guate is awesome, the pictures are so cool. I just thought I would tell you that I have been doing some GIS work myself! For one of my courses I made a mountain biking map using all of the GPS and GIS mapping equipment. College is awesome, Im having a great time. Hope to hear from you soon!

At 8:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Drew,
Looks like a great place to be. We are following your adventures on the blog, keep it up. Stay away from the windows!
Greg Ammon


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