Please Read and Please Help
Dear Family, Friends, and Regular Blog readers,
Today’s blog I present to all of you back in the states a tremendous opportunity to help families in need. Over the past month my good friend Gabriel and I have been planning a project in the aldeas (Spanish word for Villages where the poorest people live) to prevent future catastrophes from happening. Perhaps the most devastating problems the people in the aldeas face with relation to poverty are malnutrition and deforestation. Unfortunately, many of the people here rely solely on the production of coffee in order to provide an income for their family. In recent history when the price of coffee declined the families were left with incredible economic hardships while not being able to provide food to their children leading to harsh cases of malnutrition. Also, because of the increased competition for land communities have conceded to the method of slash and burn which has detrimental effects on the environment (contribution to global warming and making their villages susceptible to landslides and erosion just to name a few).

Gabriel and I have been working with the Valhalla Finca. This is an agency out of Antigua that provides Macadamia trees to communities in need for a below average price. The Macadamia tree provides amazing benefits to the communities.
It helps the environment. With broad leaves the macadamia tree absorbs a tremendous amount of Carbon which helps fight global warming and also prevents erosion of the soil.
It helps fight poverty. The Valhalla Finca not only sells the trees for growing but offers to buy the produced nuts for an above average price to provide income to families in need.
It helps fight malnutrition. The macadamia nut is very nutritious and can also be used in several domestic products.
It will also improve the soil quality so that the families can produce more coffee amongst the macadamia trees.
In the past I have utilized this blog in order to communicate on a regular basis with all of you back home while sharing humorous stories and experiences along the way. Now I would like to use this blog along with your help back home to change lives.
One of the biggest challenges we as Peace Corps volunteers face are developing sustainable projects. It is never worth your time, effort, and money to become involved with a project that will fall apart the moment you leave your Peace Corps site. I can honestly say that this is a completely sustainable project. First of all it is a known fact that macadamia trees can produce up to 150 pounds of nuts a year for over 100 years. The first macadamia trees were planted in 1890 and today still produce nuts. Second of all we have been working directly with community leaders to provide information and technical support so that they fully understand how to maintain the trees. With the help of the Mayor we are hoping to provide transportation for several community leaders to the actually Valhalla Macadamia Finca so that they can learn first hand and then teach people in their community.
We desperately need your money to fund this project and the more money we raise the more families we can help. If you would like to help fund my project please send cash or a check made out to the Drew Anderson Foundation (due to tax purposes and to facilitate the process we had to call it that) and mail it to
40451 SD HWY 34
Forestburg SD, 57314
Or you may mail it directly to the bank at
First National Bank of SD
P.O. Box 916
Huron, SD 57350
Due to tax purposes this can not be considered a donation and has to be a true gift. Thank you for reading and please give anything you can to make a difference. If we are lucky enough I would like to fund the Macadamia project and then donate any money left over to schools in the region.

Take care and Gob Bless,
You are a good man Mr. Anderson and I look forward to helping you raise money to help improve the quality of life for those less fortunate in Guate!
I am soooooooo proud of you Drew. I can tell you have really researched and thought this project through. What an amazing difference your vision will make in the lives of that community. You are making your mark there for years to come. Roger and I would be thrilled to support you in this project. Keep the faith sweetie. Love you and miss you. Sue
hey drew, sounds like you have this project well researched and ready to Go. you know we will back you 100% and are blessed to be able to share in a small way to make your part of the world a little better.we know your just being has already made a difference and now your legacy will live on for years to come.
the power of love from all your family and friends will help you get this project off the ground.
love ,papa and grandma
Yup...That's my brother :)
Amy Sarah
Drew, my mom finally got the web address to your blog site sent to me...she's a busy lady, so I really can't blame her. Anyway, I just read through some of the stuff you have written and it just sounds amazing. I really hope when you are back I can make it to Huron to hear more about things! I had lunch with your mom and Amy (it was so good to see them), and it made me even more excited about joining..Rhonda was a little nervous...What you are doing is so amazing and so wonderful, and I admire you greatly! Take care and God Bless...hope to talk to you soon!
Rachel Kludt
Wow Drew - I just read the blog and I am so excited about your Foundation. I can't wait to help financially and know that with you there in Guatemala it will really come to frutation. You will be remembered there for many, many years to come, and much deserving to be. You have done many good things to help the people. I am just so proud of you!! Take care of yourself and know that back here Home, we are all missing you and wishing you the best. Love ya, Aunt Barb
So proud of you! I know this will be a success Grandma Ila
Drew I found your blog while searching for info on Finca Valhalla. I am a Brethren Volunteer Service volunteer and I visited the finca last year with a group form the community that I work with in Guatemala. They are interested in purchasing trees from the finca to start diversifying their production (which is mostly coffee) Any info you could send my way would be much appreciated (I think last year they were going to sell us pilones at Q6 but not sure if thats the price now, Do they have tree available for this rainy season?) Thanks for any info you can share. Check out our blog at
Aaron Johnston
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