The Legendary Guate Story
Unfortunately during our field base training I have come down with a severe sore throat and a cold. I didn’t get to join the group today, but I have had an awesome trip. You never realize how many friends you have until you become sick. Everyone has been trying help me get well and asking me if I need anything. We traveled through the mountains to Huehuetenango. It was such a beautiful trip seeing the mountains with volcanoes in the distant background. The first day we visited a volunteer outside of Huehue who works for the municipal government there. Afterwards we had a dance competition between all of us in the group. There were two main dance competitions and on the first one Mary and I got second, but on the second one we took first. That’s right Drewski is learning salsa moves.
Now it comes to the legendary Drew story that is floating around Guatemala. All of my friends here know this story and ask me again and again to retell it. It may be a little gross or inappropriate for the entire internet to see… but it is to damn funny to stay here in Guate.
So there I was one morning just like any other ready for a fun filled day at the training center. I stepped one foot onto the street when… my stomach started turning like crazy and I knew I had to get the bathroom not now but RIGHT NOW. Got to the bathroom and did my deed and to set the scene I better describe the bathroom. We don{t have a door but rather a curtain and a chicken screams as it lays eggs every morning while I do my business. As I was nearing the end of my NUMBER 2 I heard these little foot steps moving rather quickly. Suddenly the curtain was ripped to the side and my little 3 year old brother Jarol was screaming at me. { Andrés Andrés YO TENGO QUE POPA.} He said it about three times telling me that Drew Drew I have to go poopy. At this point I am really embarrassed because my little brother needs to use the toilet but there was no getting me off that puppy. I was trying to tell him {Espere por favor Jarol.] {please wait Jarol.} But the poor little guy just couldn’t and before I knew it he said Andres Estoy popando {Drew I am pooping} then as he was pooping his pants he started to cry hysterically. At this point I am still sitting on the toilet thinking that this couldn’t get any worse when my mom came from around the corner only to see me taking a poop and her son crapping his pants. She picked him up and took him to the neighbors house to finish his job. I walked as quickly as possible to class and laughed the entire day as I told my friends.
I love being here in Guatemala and this maybe one of the best times of my life. Sorry if you thought the story was gross, but everyone here seems to laugh pretty hard. Even my Spanish professors who have nick named me {Señor Rompe Corazón Bigote.} Which means the Mustache Wearing Heart Breaker cause they think because of my dance moves and mustache I am going to break many Guatemalan girls hearts. That we will have to see.
Take care,